Fitness · Just my Thoughts

Red Dress Race – A 5K Recap

I am not a short distance runner.  I just about mile two or so am getting into a groove.  I like the longer distances.  I love my seven or eight mile training runs.  I do not particularly like a 5K race.  I have, though – as of last night, run three of them.

My first race ever was a 5K.  I loved it.  It was not quite the same as the marathon I had been a spectator at a couple months prior but it was fun.  There were all ages and abilities which made me feel right at home as I was new to this whole idea.  Then, I ran a second 5K in winter.  It was frigid and hilly and, well, a challenge.  There were different ages and abilities but it was not as fun as that first one.

Last night I ran my third 5K.  This one was a cause race.  It benefit the Crime Victims’ Assistance Center, a non-profit that is near and dear to my heart.  Every entrant was to wear a red dress.  Have to say that my red Victoria’s Secret piece was minor compared to those in red full-length formal wear or the men in red dresses.  Yes, there will be photos at the end here.

The race was just less than a full 5K.  To get the extra three-tenths of a mile, runners would have had to go around the back parking lot at Maine-Endwell High School.  The school is in the middle of a huge capital project and the parking lot is a mess.  There is a hole that is big enough to lose a small car in so the race ended at 2.87 miles.

This race is not an easy race.  There is a hill that is about a mile long and no leveling off along it about a half mile into the course.  There are more hills after that also.  Good news is that it is a downhill finish to the school entrance.  I ran it well but slowed at the end to run with a young girl about 13 who was having trouble.  I just ran whatever speed she was running to help her get to the finish.

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12 thoughts on “Red Dress Race – A 5K Recap

  1. Fun post! I’m so glad you ran. And I’m also glad to know that that hill was a MILE long — it sure felt like it!!

    1. Odd as I was telling Beth it is usually on the same night as Senior Awards Night and it is good it wasn’t this year with limited parking at the high school due to construction. Maybe, at one point in time, it was scheduled for 6/23.

  2. What a great idea to run the race in something that symbolizes the cause. And ugh… sounds like a tough one. I’m so impressed with your dedication to this sport Nicki. It’s fantastic.

  3. Oh I LOVE the pictures, Nicki. Especially the men in dresses. LOVE IT. Reminds me of those crazies at the marathons running in full superhero get-up, Elvis costumes, Santa suits, etc. For a 5K I could probably pull it off. But a full 26.2? Methinks not.

    Your running continues to inspire me. I am proud to say that I have run twice so far this week and swam once. That’s 3 out of 4 days done. Now… the challenge…how to fit it into today’s busy day?!

    1. I cannot imagine running very far in even what I had on. A man sprayed us with a hose between miles 1 and 2 and the red thing just clung to bare sking. LOL!

      Way to go on getting in some running and swimming. I am not sure I could have done it when the kids were littler.

  4. I think it is awesome, and slightly funny, to see all those pictures of runners competing in their red dresses. A great cause, for sure!

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